Tag Archives: Comic Con


People got their first glimpse of James Cameron’s Avatar at this year’s Comic Con, and people are already complaining that the movie’s aliens and giant robots don’t look real. The question we’re asking is, why is James Cameron putting aliens and giant robots in a live action remake of Once Upon a Forest?

The teaser trailer for Christopher Nolan’s Inception isn’t giving anything about the movie away. I can give you a hint, though. The working title for the film was The Sweaty and Disturbed-Looking Leonardo DiCaprio. Discuss.

If you ask me, it’s about time they made a movie about underage girls falling in love and having crazy sex with zombies. Enough with all of this vampire crap, you know? Wait, there’s nothing like that in Zombieland? Amusement parks? Right. Amusement parks… Wasn’t Sunday’s True Blood great?

Iron Man 2 Comic Con footage teh l33ked!!1!

Get your fill because this might not last long.

Watchmen trailer hits!

I know I’ve really been slacking off on bringing my gentle readers anything original for a couple of weeks now and I’m really sorry about, but shut up for a minute, would ‘ya? GET THIS. The teaser trailer for Zack Snyder’s Watchmen is out and holy hell does it look awesome! The movie’s not due out until March of next year, so run out and buy the comic book to hold you over. In the meantime, enjoy!